Hutt Mana Charitable Trust

Hutt Mana Charitable Trust

Frequently asked questions

1. How do I complete the grids?

When completing the area requiring financial information regarding your application, you will be asked to enter that information in to a “table” structure. You will see ‘All columns/values are required’ if you have left a column blank in the table.

Please follow the steps below to check you have correctly completed the table:

A) Check the eight columns, to ensure you have entered values into each of the fields.

B) Ensure you only have one empty row below the completed grids, if you have more than one please click the grey box on the left-hand side and press ‘delete’ on your keyboard.

C) If you do not have a competitive quote; please upload a letter of explanation that explains why a competitive quote is not available.

D) Ensure the ‘Total Requested’ field below the grids, matches the Total Requested Amount.

2. Which browser should I use to make my grant application?

Below are the different browsers that can be used to complete your application:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer 9 (or higher)

3. Are there conditions attached to grants?

Yes. Please read the terms and conditions, that are attached in the registration section and located in the website footer.


4. How do I apply?

a) If this is the first time you’re applying; Simply scroll down the page to the 'let’s get started' area, select the category that best fits the type of grant request. Then register your details as the person making the application in the section marked 'Person making the application' and click on the ‘apply here’ button. This will open a screen in which you can complete and save your application.

b) If you have applied online to Hutt Mana previously, please click ‘Login’. If you have forgotten your password, reset your password and follow the instructions sent to your email address. Once you have logged in, click ‘Create Application’.


5. I have entered my organisation name correctly, but it is coming up with “Name / Registration number combination doesn’t match registry records”

Please check the Incorporated Societies by clicking here and/or the Registered Charities register by clicking here. The Organisation Name entered in your application needs to be exactly the same as the name registered in the official government database. Our system verifies your Organisation Name with the Government database.

  • If the Organisation Name you entered is not the same as the Government records, the system will notify you by stating “Name/Registration number combination doesn’t match registry records.”
  • Correct it by accessing the Incorporated Societies Register by clicking here and/or the Registered Charities register by clicking here.

Amend your organisation name in Step One to match the name recorded in the database. The name will need to have the exact same spelling.


6. Can I save my application, leave the application and continue it later?

Yes, you can leave the application, just click the ‘save and next page’ button first at the bottom of the page. To continue your incomplete application form, simply refer to the started email sent to you and use your allocated application password to log back in and complete your application form.

7. Why can’t I progress to the next stage of my application?

It is most likely because you have not filled in an entry into a mandatory field. Check if there are any highlighted questions. If there are you will need to enter information into the mandatory field.

8. Can we be reimbursed for expenses?

No. Grants must be approved prior to any purchase/event/trip being undertaken. Retrospective grants will not be considered.

9. How will the grant be paid?

Payment will be direct credited to the recipient organisation's bank account. You will need to include a deposit slip with your application.

10. Will our organisation be audited?

Hutt Mana Charitable Trust reserves the right for grant records to be inspected and audited. Any grant application is made with the understanding that if their application is audited, the applicant organisation shall agree to and participate in any such inspection or audit.

11. How will I know if our application is successful?

Hutt Mana Charitable Trust Board of Trustees meet twice a year to review grant applications. All approved and declined applications will receive notification by email 1-2 business days following the meeting. The Approved grants will also be published on the website.

12. What will we have to do if we are successful?

Hutt Mana Charitable Trust requires an acknowledgement of the grant form to be returned to the Trust along with verification of expenditure (receipts etc.). These receipts must be from the same companies as the quotes supplied in the application and must be returned within 12 months of the grant being made. Failure to comply with the conditions will result in the Trust seeking a full refund of the grant approved.

13. Do grants include GST?

A Hutt Mana Grant is classed as a donation. If you are GST registered, any Hutt Mana Trust grant you receive does not need to be included in your GST return.

14. I am applying for funding for the salary of staff member; what information do I need to provide?

Hutt Mana Charitable Trust does not fund administrative/coordinators salaries. We will consider funding  outside contractors/coaches for a specific Project or Programme.

15. Do I need to include a copy of full minutes with my application?

No, we do require a signed resolution to apply for funding from Hutt Mana Charitable Trust for the purpose and amount for which your organisation is applying for funding. The resolution must be certified as true and correct and signed by the Secretary/Chairperson or other executive member.

16. Who is eligible to apply for funding?

We will consider applications for grants for a wide range of charitable purposes within the communities of the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust’s district.

These purposes cover any charitable, philanthropic, amateur sport, cultural or other purpose that is beneficial to the community or any section of it. They shall include, but not be limited to, grants for:

  • Facilities, equipment and/or playing uniforms for sporting clubs playing in recognised, published leagues or competitions.
  • Charitable purposes, including the relief of poverty or welfare assistance through donations to recognised social service or welfare agencies.
  • Youth focused organisations or training organisations for equipment or scholarships that are administered by the recipient organisations
  • Recognised cultural, health, environmental, recreational or philanthropic activities or groups within the local community
  • Sporting events’ or tournaments’ travel and accommodation costs.


17. What are the criteria?

To be eligible you need to be a non-profit organisation that is active within the Hutt Mana district in the areas of recreation, health, welfare, environment, youth, arts and culture or amateur sport. Please check out our terms and conditions.

18. What sorts of purpose will be considered for funding?

The Trust funds what is referred to as “Authorised Purposes”, being purposes that benefit the communities within the Hutt Mana district in accord with the Trust’s objectives/policies. Examples of items that will be considered for funding:

  • Local environmental improvement or enhancement projects.
  • Resources and equipment for youth development and recreational projects.
  • Training for community organisations to upskill volunteers.
  • Projects involving the merger or rationalisation of two or more community or recreational organisations.

This is by no means a definitive list. The Trust will evaluate all applications and inform applicants if the criteria are not met. Receipt of your application will not otherwise be acknowledged.

19. Sporting events or tournaments:

Applications can be made for travel and accommodation costs (not to include any food or alcohol costs) provided an “official” itinerary endorsed by the host body is supplied along with an itemised breakdown of the quoted costs.

20. How is the application assessed?

Hutt Mana Charitable Trust’s Board of Trustees meet twice a year to consider all funding applications. Decisions are made by considering the available funds, the merit of the application, the compliance of the application, and the overall community benefit. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

21. Do I need to fill out every field?

No. Only mandatory fields are required, however the more information you enter, the more consideration your application will receive. You will be notified of mandatory fields if these are left blank.

22. What are my obligations if I am successful?

The obligations of all applicants that are successful are described in the Terms and Conditions section of the application, please read this carefully.

23. Will my information be shared with other parties?

No, your information will only be shared internally and is protected in line with the Privacy Policy contained within this application, please read it carefully. If your application is successful, then Hutt Mana Charitable Trust reserve the right to promote the grant in their media communications including social media pages and website.

24. A system or Application issue?

If you are having a system or application issue, then please click ‘Support’ located at the top of the page. We will respond as soon as possible. The help desk response will only be available Mondays to Fridays and not on public holidays.

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